James Mylne a British artist, used the Stealth Pen Pro, on one of his artworks he called the strormsurfer.
Most tactical pens live up to just half of their name. They function as effective defense tools, but when it comes to writing their performance is subpar at best.
People deserve more than that
In February 2020 we began designing the world’s best tactical pen: the Stealth Pen Pro. To test its quality, we went to the world’s best ballpoint pen artist, James Mylne.
James Mylne is known for his photorealistic drawings made with a ballpoint pen. He sold his first piece in 2000, and his work has been showcased in exhibits throughout London since 2001. It’s also graced the covers of several magazines.
Throughout the last few decades, James has replicated hundreds of photos of iconic celebrities. His muses include Audrey Hepburn, Kate Moss, and Princess Diana. He has also collaborated with famous photographers to involve himself in producing the photos he then uses for reference. In 2014, James was invited to digitally recreate three famous pieces from the National Portrait Gallery for Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 campaign.

Thanks to the intricate details of James’ work, it can be hard to distinguish his drawings from the actual photos they’re based on. He’s shared that he was once even denied the chance to enter an art exhibition because ‘photography was not allowed.’ To achieve such a realistic look, James spends an average of 120-250 hours on each piece; however, a recent commission took a total of 495 hours.

James Mylne series featuring Mia, the character of Pulp Fiction, on a Chanel retail bag.
Although James uses black ballpoint pens to create his photorealistic drawings, few are completely black and white. He uses spray paint, acrylics, and paint pens to add color to pieces.
The Stealth Pen Pro + The Stormsurfer
Over the course of 12 hours, James used the Stealth Pen Pro to create an intricate Stormsurfer piece on a designer gift bag, filming himself along the way.
After finishing his artwork, this is what James had to say about the Stealth Pen Pro:
“Using this pen for drawing was quite different to usual. It was quite tough but the balance is great and sturdy. The curves here– the grip– enabled me to actually get some very fine control, which is really useful. And there were other qualities of the pen I really enjoyed such as the serrated edge here. I found that you can use it for opening packaging and other things. So, it’s been very interesting and I will be using it again and again.”
Ballpoint pen art Stormsurfer drawing on the designer bag with tactical pen Stealth Pen Pro
Atomic Bear got me to use their new "Stealth Pen Pro" ballpoint pen to create a drawing for one of my "On Lux Bags" artworks. This one is called "Storm Surfer".While the original Stormsurfer piece has since been sold, you can purchase other creations James has made on his website.
Ultimate Writability
James isn’t the only one who is impressed with the writing quality of the Stealth Pen Pro. Self-defense expert Nick Drossos shared this after using the pen:
“It writes super well and looks like an actual pen compared to other ones I have that have a commando look. Great tactical pen. It is actually super light. I love it.”
The Stealth Pen Pro comes with Schmidt P900 medium black ink, but that’s not your only ink choice. It’s also designed to accept Fisher Space ink and Schmidt P950 Megaline Pressurized Ballpoint Pen cartridges. Write upside down or underwater — this pen can do it all.
So, we know the pen writes like a dream… but what about the tactical side of the Stealth Pen Pro?
We’re glad you asked.
Discrete and Safely Dangerous
A tactical pen can’t do you as much good when it has to be left at home or in your car. That’s why we created a product that can go wherever you go.
This isn’t your average tactical pen

Showing the Stealth Pen Pro tactical pen with the glass breaker exposed after taking the protective cap off.
It’s made of plastic instead of metal, which reduces its weight by 70%. We’re not talking cheap plastic, either, but weapon-grade polymer that’s basically indestructible.
Don’t worry – you’re not the only one with doubts regarding the Stealth Pen Pro’s plastic construction. Medical professional Josh Jalatay shared:
“At first I was skeptical. A tactical pen made of plastic… I was pleasantly surprised. It is sturdy and lightweight. Super comfortable to write with. So light, you hardly notice it is there.”
A stiff silicone cap conceals the sharp edges of the tungsten carbide glass breaker at the end of the pen. Thanks to this discrete cap, no one will accuse you of carrying a dangerous pen. In addition, you don’t have to worry about getting jabbed by the sharp edge while using the pen or stowing it in your pocket.
Firefighter Will Jones pointed out,
“This is great quality, great construction, great built. This can be a lifesaver, especially the glass breaker to get someone out of a car.”
The writing tip is made of 6061-T6 aircraft grade aluminum. It’s designed with small serrations that are perfect for self-defense. These serrations also function as DNA catchers if you ever find yourself under attack.
Subtle knurling on the pen shaft gives you just enough grip to successfully defend yourself with ease — and it makes the pen especially comfortable to use as a writing utensil.
‘Ken’ of Enter the Dojo had this to say about the Stealth Pen Pro.
“This pen is mightier than the sword. Number one it is smaller than a sword. You can carry it to PF Changs. This tactical pen is made of weapon-grade polymer, it is lightweight, quiet, and effective.”
Don’t Take Chances — Take Control
When SHTF, there’s no such thing as being too prepared. Protect yourself and those around you with products you know you can trust.
The Stealth Pen Pro can make anyone a hero. What will your story be?