Modern Ninjas : Ninjutsu Martial Artists Fight Using the Stealth Pen P | The Atomic Bear
By: Jeff Truchon 18/06/2024

In a world filled with unpredictability, mastering the art of self-defense is more relevant than ever. Ninjutsu, an ancient Japanese martial art, epitomizes the blend of stealth, strategy, and adaptability, making it incredibly pertinent in modern self-defense scenarios. Enter The Atomic Bear's Stealth Pen Pro, a tactical pen that's more than just a writing toolβ€”it's a symbol of preparedness and resilience. This blog explores the fascinating world of ninjutsu, illustrating how this martial art remains a vital skill for personal defense, particularly when enhanced by innovative tools like the Stealth Pen Pro. Thanks toΒΒ for their amazing content that I based this article on.

Scroll down to find their video showing ninjas applying these techniques.

What is Ninjutsu Technique?

Ninjutsu isn't merely about combat; it's a diverse field that encompasses espionage, survival tactics, and escape mechanisms developed during feudal Japan. Today's ninjutsu has evolved to emphasize fluid movements and strategic control, often integrating modern self-defense tools such as the Stealth Pen Pro. This martial art leverages techniques that utilize the body's natural movements, turning defensive actions into counterattacks, making it ideally suited for situations where you might have only minimal resources, like a tactical pen.

Is Ninjutsu Real?

Yes, ninjutsu is indeed a real and effective martial art practiced worldwide. While historical ninjas were shrouded in mystery, today’s practitioners focus on the realistic application of these ancient skills. Milan from Ninjutsu Club Bujin demonstrates this in a recent video where he seamlessly integrates the Stealth Pen Pro into traditional ninjutsu katas. For instance, he uses the pen to enhance a basic maneuverβ€”striking at a nagare point, disrupting the opponent’s flow of movement with precision and force facilitated by the pen’s sturdy, pointed design.

Can a Person Learn Ninjutsu?

Absolutely! Ninjutsu is accessible to anyone interested in learning. It appeals to those who appreciate a holistic approach to self-defense, one that combines physical techniques with mental strategy. Training often starts with fundamental movements and evolves to include weapons training, such as using the Stealth Pen Pro. Milan’s demonstration includes a variety of applications: from simple grips enhancing joint locks like Omote Gyaku, where the pen increases pressure applied to the wrist, to more complex sequences where the pen is used to execute Muso Dori, immobilizing the opponent’s arm with leverage.

Demonstrating Ninjutsu Techniques with the Stealth Pen Pro

In the detailed video provided by Milan, the Stealth Pen Pro is used to execute several ninjutsu techniques with enhanced efficacy:

  • Omote Gyaku: Milan demonstrates this wrist manipulation technique, using the Stealth Pen to apply precise pressure, making the lock more painful and effective.
  • Muso Dori: Here, the pen is used to add leverage when gripping the opponent's arm, showcasing how a simple tool can significantly amplify a defensive move.
  • Koppo Ken and Boshi Ken: The pen transforms these traditional striking techniques. Milan shows how holding the pen can alter the impact point, turning a standard strike into a more focused, penetrating hit.

Some of these techniques can also be executed using a knife. There are however a few reasons why a pen can be more suited than a knife. Check this blog post for more information. Kubotan are also an interesting tool to use with these techniques. The kubotan has some other issues as well as described here.

What are the 4 Types of Jutsu?

Ninjutsu is part of a broader spectrum of techniques known as jutsu. The four main types are:

  • Ninjutsu: Stealth and espionage techniques.
  • Taijutsu: Body movement and physical combat skills.
  • Genjutsu: Techniques that involve manipulation and deception, more mystical and less relevant to physical combat.
  • Senjutsu: Advanced techniques that involve harnessing one's inner energies, often depicted in popular media but less practical in real-life self-defense.


Is Ninjutsu Banned from UFC?

Ninjutsu is not specifically banned from UFC; however, many of the traditional techniques used in ninjutsu, such as certain throws and joint manipulations, are either not applicable under UFC rules or are similar to techniques allowed from other martial arts like judo or Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The UFC focuses on a specific set of rules that govern what is allowed in the ring, aiming to ensure fairness and safety for all competitors.

Is Ninjutsu the Ninja Martial Art?

Indeed, ninjutsu is often referred to as the "ninja martial art." This term stems from its historical roots, where it was practiced by the shinobi or ninjas of feudal Japan. These warriors specialized in guerrilla warfare, espionage, and assassinationβ€”skills that were crucial in their role as agents of stealth and surprise. Today, the techniques and strategies of historical ninjutsu are studied and applied in various modern self-defense classes, preserving the legacy of the ninjas while updating the practices for contemporary relevance.

Why is The Stealth Pen Pro a Good Weapon for the Ninjutsu Practitioner?

The Stealth Pen Pro is an ideal weapon for ninjutsu practitioners because it embodies the principles of ninjutsu itselfβ€”stealth, effectiveness, and adaptability. The pen's discreet appearance belies its capability as a self-defense tool, making it a perfect example of the ninja philosophy that any object can become a weapon. Its robust construction allows for striking, pressure point manipulation, and even breaking glass in emergency situations. This versatility makes the Stealth Pen Pro a valuable addition to the ninjutsu practitioner’s toolkit, ensuring they are prepared to defend themselves effectively in any scenario.

Why is Ninjutsu Effective in Self-Defense?

Ninjutsu is highly effective in self-defense for several compelling reasons. Its effectiveness stems from a unique blend of stealth, strategy, adaptability, and a deep understanding of human physiology and psychology, which are all critical in real-world defense scenarios.

1. Stealth and Deception

At its core, ninjutsu is about being unnoticeable and unpredictable. Practitioners learn to move silently and use their environment to their advantage, creating elements of surprise and confusion among aggressors. This approach allows them to gain the upper hand without relying solely on physical strength.

2. Adaptability

Ninjutsu techniques are not rigid; they emphasize fluidity and the ability to adapt based on the situation. Practitioners are taught to respond to their surroundings and the actions of their opponent, making it highly practical for unpredictable real-life situations where threats can vary widely.

3. Comprehensive Skill Set

Ninjutsu includes not only physical techniques but also skills in evasion, escape, and camouflage. This comprehensive skill set is beneficial for self-defense as it provides multiple options for handling threats. Practitioners can choose to engage, evade, or escape based on what is safest and most effective in any given situation.

4. Efficiency and Economy of Movement

Ninjutsu practices the economy of movementβ€”every action has a purpose, and no energy is wasted. This efficiency is crucial in self-defense, where quick, effective responses are needed. The techniques focus on vital points of the body, aiming to neutralize threats quickly and effectively, often with minimal force.

5. Psychological Preparation

Ninjutsu also prepares individuals psychologically, instilling a calm, focused mindset that is crucial in high-stress situations. Practitioners learn to control fear and panic, turning potential weaknesses into strengths.

6. Tool Integration

Ninjutsu teaches the use of various tools and weapons as force multipliers in defense situations. The Stealth Pen Pro, for instance, exemplifies this aspect of ninjutsu perfectly. It’s designed to be an inconspicuous yet potent tool that can deliver significant defensive capabilitiesβ€”from pressure point compliance techniques to being used as a striking toolβ€”enhancing the practitioner's ability to protect themselves effectively.

Ninjutsu in Popular Media vs. Reality (What is Ninjutsu in Naruto?)

Ninjutsu often appears in popular media, most notably in anime like Naruto, where it is depicted with a mystical flair that includes summoning creatures and manipulating elements. However, real ninjutsu is much more grounded, focusing on practical, efficient movements and techniques for self-preservation. Milan’s demonstration with the Stealth Pen Pro brings this reality to light, contrasting sharply with the fantastical elements seen in shows like Naruto.

Glossary of Ninjutsu Terms

- Nagare: Targeting flow points to disrupt an opponent.
- Omote Gyaku: Wrist manipulation that now comes with a twist, thanks to the Stealth Pen.
- Muso Dori: Arm control that’s been given an upgrade.
- Koppo Ken and Boshi Ken: Strikes that are made all the more potent with a tactical pen in hand.


Ninjutsu offers more than just self-defense techniques; it's a philosophy of adaptability, preparedness, and acute awareness of one’s environment. The Atomic Bear’s Stealth Pen Pro exemplifies how traditional practices can integrate modern tools, ensuring that practitioners are not only equipped to handle various threats but also to apply their skills in everyday situations. Whether you’re an enthusiast of martial arts or seeking practical self-defense skills, ninjutsu provides a comprehensive approach to safety.

-> You want to know more about the Stealth Pen Pro? Just click here.

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